In order to schedule your listing, we need the exact address including St, Dr, Ln, etc. the city and list price.

Also, include whether it is vacant or occupied and if there is a supra or combo lock box on the property. If it is a combo, please include the code.  

If occupied, please include the homeowner contact number so we can confirm the day and time window. We confirm with the homeowner or tenant on all occupied properties to avoid miscommunication, so they know what to expect, and to ensure you get the best images possible.   


While Positive Perceptions own the copyrights to the photos, the agent purchases a non-exclusive license in that they can use the photos for as long as they maintain the listing. Once the listing is closed, expired or cancelled the rights revert back to us as the original copyright owner. In rare cases we get request for properties that we have shot in the past. In this circumstance we offer agents the option to purchase photos from a previous shoot or we can re-shoot the property.